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I was inspired by my niece to join her in learning bird photography. She took it up six months ago as a release from the pressures of administrative medical work during the pandemic. I missed spring migration this year but I've been taking lots of pictures of birds near my home and on trips. This hobby has made me realize that there's so much in nature I don’t get to see and appreciate otherwise. It’s so much fun anticipating the birds we might see as we drive to different places. I welcome the challenges involved in capturing them in their natural habitat. And it’s always a joy to hear them make their calls and sing. The smallest bird can make the loudest sounds!
I gifted myself with Canon equipment in the last week of May 2022. I use a Canon EOS R5 with a 100-500 mm lens and an RF. 1.4 extender that extends the focal length to 700 mm. Altogether, the equipment weighs about 6 .4 lbs. For the moment, my photos are handheld.
Birding is a captivating experience in and of itself, but more importantly the journey is family time.